Precision Biowaste is committed to helping find the best solution for many different types of biowaste disposal and paper shredding services.
Below are the different categories of services provided.
“Sharps” are considered to be a type of biowaste capable of cutting or piercing such as; blades, needles of any kind, root canal files, broken glass that has been contaminated with biohazardous waste (like blood).
Sharps should only be disposed of in a labeled sharps container. This should be a rigid and puncture resistant container (meeting standards and approval of the FDA and USDOT), and should not be lined with a bag or inner liner.
“Biohazardous” waste is considered to be a type of biowaste that contains blood or any other infectious materials, if improperly disposed of they raise the risk of spreading disease to humans and the environment.
All biohazardous waste should only be disposed of in a labeled, USDOT approved containers and lined with red biohazard bags.
“Pharmaceutical” waste is a prescription or over-the-counter human or veterinary drug, any article used or intended for use in the diagnosis, cure, mitigation, treatment, or prevention of disease in humans or animals.
Pharmaceutical waste should be disposed of in a USDOT approved, labeled container.
“Chemo” waste includes chemotherapy drugs, their containers (vials, bottles, other packaging) and items contaminated with chemotherapy drugs, such as IV bags and tubing, syringes, gowns, gloves, sheets and pads.
Even “sharps” used in chemotherapy procedures must be disposed of separately in a chemo waste container.
Chemo waste should be contained in a USDOT approved, labeled yellow or black container, unless stated otherwise by your state guidelines.
“Pathological” waste is considered to be a type of biowaste that consists of recognizable human derived tissues, organs, and body parts, as well as vertebrate animal-derived tissues, organs, and body parts used in research.
Pathological waste should be disposed of in rigid USDOT approved container with red bag lining, a lid and labeled “INCINERATION ONLY” along with the international biohazard symbol on all sides of the container.
Adding paper shredding to your medical waste service can provide additional savings and convenience, with one technician servicing both needs at the same time. Precision Biowaste provides 23-gallon Shredinator containers, standing 30" high, with ample capacity to push the OSHA weight limit.
Customers receive as many containers as routinely serviced, without any container use or rental charge. These containers are routinely removed, according to your schedule, and replaced with empty ones which have been cleaned and disinfected.
Let us know if you are interested in adding more value to your medical waste service from Precision Biowaste by combining it with your paper shredding disposal needs.
We offer a wide range of service options, From a one-time pickup to multiple service stops per week. Precision Biowaste Services has the technical capability and customer service excellence to meet your service needs.
Our staff is here to assist you in setting up service or answer any questions that you have.